Phosphoric Acid

Phosphoric Acid

Phosphoric acid, industry, sulfuric acid and heating to obtain the calcium phosphate rock fragments. Is hydrogen, phosphorus and oxygen atoms occurs. Phosphoric acid crystallized as a pure solid substance is know, the melting point is 21 ° C. Takes the form of a colorless syrupy liquid at low concentrations. Phosphoric acid and its salts, low cost, and the strong acidity regulator showing the effect of pH lowering substance. Phosphoric acid, hydrogen ions or salts of orthophosphate ions displacement of other positive ions are formed. Phosphoric acid, 35-50 kg drums and 1700 kg IBC tanks are sold. Agriculture, food industry, beverage industry, metal, used in many fields.
Phosphoric acid use: Fertilizer industry, the production of fly spray, the oil industry to clean unwanted catalysts, the process of electro steel industry, aluminum processing, cola beverages, leather, food, agriculture, pharmaceutical sectors.