Aluminum Hydroxide

Aluminum Hydroxide

Its chemical formula is Al(OH)3. It ıs a water-insoluble substance in the form of white powder, whichis found in nature as a gibbsite mineral with monoclinic crystals has amphoteric properties, and forms salts in bases. Amphoteric means that this compound displays both acidic and basic properties.
Although aluminum is the mist abundant metal and the third most abundant element, only a fraction of aluminum-containing materials (e.g. bauxite) is used for the production of aluminum hydroxide. Aluminum hydroxide is the largest volüme flame retardant in the world.
In Which Areas İs Aluminum Hydroxıde Used?
Certain areas where Aluminum Hydroxide is used;
  • Insulation Industry 
  • Glass Industry
  • Petrochemical Industry
  • Textile Indsutry
  • Paint Industry
  • Cable Indusrtry
  • Automotive Industry
  • Rubber ındustry