Tank and Trailer Production with ADR

Tank and Trailer Production with ADR

At the end of 2017, our company obtained permission for manufacturing “Chemical Tank Semi- Trailers” in accordance with ADR regulations and launched TSE approved production. As a part of this production, our company is manufacturing chemical tanks with codes L4BH and P26BH in different sizes in accordance with TSE EN 14025 standards. We produce heated, insulated or closed chemical containers.
At the end of 2020, our company received a permit for the production of semi-trailers. Within this production line, semi-trailers such as Tilt, Tipper, Frigorific, Container carrier (Fishbone), Sal Trailer can be manufactured.
All necessary works needed for ADR-Certified Tank Trucks Control / Inspection Center operational launch in the first quarter of 2021 are currently being proceeded.

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